Monday, January 17, 2011

O projecto do Postal Eduardiano - The Edwardian Postcard Project

O projecto de investigação britânico, liderado por Julia Gillen e Nigel Hall das Universidades de Lancaster e Manchester, que analisa os postais como uma tecnologia multimodal comparável ao twitter (já divulgado aqui), abriu um site dedicado ao projecto, onde, entre outros conteúdos, disponibiliza uma lista bibliográfica referente à temática dos postais e publica um paper intitulado The Edwardian postcard: a revolutionary moment in rapid multimodal communications.

The British research project, coordinated by Julia Gillen and Nigel Hall from the University of Lancaster and Manchester, which analyses postcards as a multimodal technology similar to twitter (we've talked about it here), has opened a site dedicated to this project, where they present a bibliographic list about postcard studies, and publish a paper: The Edwardian postcard: a revolutionary moment in rapid multimodal communications.

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